Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ive come to find that when i write serious blogs i dont make the words all fun ha. Anyways i have a lot on my mind tonight. Just how weird life is. Has anyone noticed how attached people are to there cell phones? I mean We are all so addicted to these little metal and plastic boxes that we rely on for everything. I mean i sit and look at my iphone and it has everything on it. My photos. My friends. My schedules. Even my work out trainer. My recorded music. my music in general. Basically my life is in this tiny box. Its so annoying but luxurious at the same time. I dont know. Life needs to brighten and get more exciting. And this whole it turns dark at like 430 thing is awful. End of story.

We fight for our soul mates.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A new day a new way

So i am getting a band together. It is exciting stuff. I have a show on Dec. 10th so it will be lots of fun. I cant wait to play music again. Its definitely a GIANT bandaid for anything going on in life that you arent happy about. Anyways im excited about the music. Thats for sure. I have to go to my grandpas funeral get together thing today. It will be sad...Im not excited. But ill get through that. Anyways nothing exciting has really happened lately. Just life and trying to find a job. NO FUN.

How to you make a decision if the answer is not clear?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Watching For The Pot To Boil

Four days. Ive ben kept in a house for four days. No going outside or anything. Im beginning to feel myself lose it faster and faster. I sit here watching for a pot of water to boil to make food because i have no other purpose while i wait for it. I can not keep contained. I cannot imagine this life. The life of containment when there is so much freedom out there. I was to see it. All of it. I want to go and really go. I want to be where ever i can to feel it all. I want out of the shell. I want into the world. I want raw beauty. Not beauty like models you see on tv. I want beauty like you see out your window while staying in a cabin in the middle of the land. I want purity at its best unpolluted by all the stuff governments and cities and the unrealism life has today. So soon enough my cage will be opened and i will roam to every land i can.

You have to appreciate having nothing to appreciate something.

20,000 Leagues Over My Head

Tired. Tired. Tired. Tired. Tired. I never thought it was possible to be the most tired while doing...well nothing. I have been in Salt Lake babysitting my sisters kid while she goes to Dotera conventions ha. And she even took the baby. Its just me and Addi who really shouldnt be that hard to care for but let me tell you...Pretending to be bolt while shes penny is quite tiring. I am pretty sure she made me do the "super bark" at least eleventy billion times. Shes cute though. I now know that i am nowhere near ready to be a mom ha. Im still a kid...especially when im getting mad cause she didnt pick Cars instead of veggie tales...how old am i. ha. Anyways, i will be finished here in salt lake at about 11 oclock at night on saturday. Then i get to make my long journey back down to the utah county. How i miss Utah county but hate it at the same time. Life is funny that way. Anyways. Plans for next week? Hopefully seeing a dollar movie with Lindsey, and i plan to run my guts out EVERYDAY for my lack of days here. Hopefully life turns up for the better :)

Dont lose hope, for there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

When I Get Home You're So Dead

Life is very vapidly predictable to say the least. Running is a great escape from what you face everyday though. Ipod- CHECK Running shoes-CHECK water-CHECK. Best medicine to survive your head. There are thoughts that are tiring me and the day cant come fast enough to have these thoughts at least deteriorate even the slightest bit. I hope that one day i can go out and get some schooling done and get out of Utah for a while. I think thats what i could use to make my life a little more interesting. All though there are the select few that make my life very interesting. Some in positive way others in not positive ways at all. But oh well. Life goes on and i choose to LIVE.

The moral this time, Girls make Girls cry.

Friday, September 16, 2011

New Beginnings

I realize i have not posted a blog in forever...but what can ya do? you get busy. ha. So important things that were missed. I went to San Francisco. It was pretty great going to Muir Beach. Other things you missed. I long boarded with My best friends. A lot. Bekki, Saige, Chad. :) Oh Skeetch the hairless rat had a litter of 8 babies...I dont own any boy rats...Thanks animal ark. And last but not least i finally got a job. Has anyone heard Hallelujah by paramore? :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I figured out what i am going to do with my life. I really want to be a tattoo artist. I ordered a way cheap tattoo kit and have been drawing up some tattoos. I need to find a tattoo artist that will take me on as an Apprentice. But anyways I am working on that. Hopefully my kit will get here fast so i can start practicing on the practice skin. Anyways. It will be grand.

On a side note Cheech bought me two deer shirts and they are sweet.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not as planned.

Today did not go as planned. My tattoo artist had an emergency so did not come into the shop. Lame. So no pictures of anything till probably next thursday. All i did today was watch Wild Boyz and then take $200 to my parents and then put $800 in my bank. All and all its been a boring day. Now im watching Tangled.

On a side note i am quite furious that my good friend Saige has to give her boyfriends dog copper to her boyfriends ex-girlfriend Ashlee. Brynt is in the army. which is why he cant keep the dog for himself right now. Oh well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reese, Spread the peace.

Just got back from Maverick (Adventures First Stop) and saw this milkshake machine there! Bekki and Cheech said I needed to try one so i picked out the Reeses shake and let me tell you, it is so freaking good. Highly recommended.

Tomorrow I go to my tattoo artist to get my tattoos touched up.

Also get one Fixed.

Pictures Tomorrow!

The Owl And The Dove

Last Night the plan was to go camping. Due to complications Saige, Bekki and Myself ended up roasting hotdogs over a small fire built on the lawn of saiges Backyard. Ha. It was like being in the wild though. Her backyard goes forever and has so much random stuff and trees. It was pretty fun. Oh we tried roasting Twinkies as well... not so good. Tasted like burnt plastic.

The night ended with a couple fights between Ledger and
Copper (the dogs) and then watching What Happens In Vegas.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Taste Me Not

.Random Post.

Took a stroll to the nearest Conoco from where i am living at the moment to get a delicious Vanilla Coke. I decided to pick out one candy bar as well. I saw this candy bar called U-no and decided to try it. BIG mistake. Do NOT eat this candy. It is a mix between wax and styrofoam. Sick. Bad choice.

Learned My Lesson.

I thought this was what we wanted.

Blogs. Only the people with wise words are worth reading right? I have been sketchy about posting a blog. Just because i was unsure about putting my every thought out there. At this point what could it hurt? Strength and Weakness. I Love. I Hate. Humans have that similar connection of love and hate. Some may think they do not hate or love, They are obviously in denial.

Myself. I love my old Memories.

I hate what they have become.

There are times I cannot go certain places. I cannot watch certain movies. I cannot read certain things. All because the memories are Never to be again. Isn't it all like that? We can for some reason Never really let things out of our head that we wish so badly would leave.

But thats life. And i need to start living it.