Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ive come to find that when i write serious blogs i dont make the words all fun ha. Anyways i have a lot on my mind tonight. Just how weird life is. Has anyone noticed how attached people are to there cell phones? I mean We are all so addicted to these little metal and plastic boxes that we rely on for everything. I mean i sit and look at my iphone and it has everything on it. My photos. My friends. My schedules. Even my work out trainer. My recorded music. my music in general. Basically my life is in this tiny box. Its so annoying but luxurious at the same time. I dont know. Life needs to brighten and get more exciting. And this whole it turns dark at like 430 thing is awful. End of story.

We fight for our soul mates.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A new day a new way

So i am getting a band together. It is exciting stuff. I have a show on Dec. 10th so it will be lots of fun. I cant wait to play music again. Its definitely a GIANT bandaid for anything going on in life that you arent happy about. Anyways im excited about the music. Thats for sure. I have to go to my grandpas funeral get together thing today. It will be sad...Im not excited. But ill get through that. Anyways nothing exciting has really happened lately. Just life and trying to find a job. NO FUN.

How to you make a decision if the answer is not clear?